
пятница, 24 августа 2018 г.

VDNKh - the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy (Выставка Достижений Народного Хозяйства). A voyage to VDNKh (ВДНХ), Moscow, Russia, Europe.



Palaces for workers! There is no better place to see this Soviet slogan put into practice than at VDNKh, which stands for Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy. The place feels like a Stalinesque theme park, with palatial pavilions, each designed in its own unique style to represent all the Soviet republics and various industries, from geology to space exploration.
 Built in 1939, VDNKh was designed as the main showcase of the socialist economy and lifestyle. The highlights are two opulently decorated fountains. Positioned in the second square from the main gate, People's Friendship Fountain is surrounded by 16 gilded female figures dressed in ethnic costumes representing Soviet republics (the mysterious 16th figure stands for the Karelo-Finnish republic disbanded in 1956). Further on, the jaw-dropping Stone Flower Fountain, themed around Ural Mountains miners' mythology, is covered in semi-precious stones from the area.
Approaching VDNKh from the metro, the soaring 100m titanium obelisk is a monument 'To the Conquerors of Space’, built in 1964 to commemorate the launch of Sputnik. In its base is the Cosmonautics Museum, featuring cool space paraphernalia such as the first Soviet rocket engine and the moon rover Lunokhod. An inspiring collection of space-themed propaganda posters evokes the era of the space race.
If you reach the far end of VDNKh, you have the choice of either pressing on towards the extensive grounds of Moscow Main Botanical Gardens, or turning left towards the quaint Ostankino Park, surrounding a namesake palace.
 VDNKh is originally a permanent general purpose trade show and amusement park in Moscow. With its pavilions and fountains constructed in the empire style, it has become one of the symbols of Soviet times.
There are a lot of recreation opportunities at VDNH nowadays, among them — the Country's Main Skating rink (in wintertime), the centre of oceanography and marine biology "Moskvarium", the Green Theatre (a popular summer concert venue), the Architectural model of Moscow, the Cinema Museum and many more. Hundreds of festivals, business exhibitions and congresses, festivals and events take place at VDNH each year: there is always something to see and do! Starting from 2018, VDNH is planned to become the main educational, entertainment, cultural, museum and recreational complex.
During the tour, you will hear brief history of VDNH and see its the most remarkable points of the ''Soviet Versaille'': -The Main Entrance arch and the Central Alley -The famous "Friendship of the People" and "Stone Flower" fountains-The biggest "Space" pavilion-The "Vostok" space launch vehicle (a copy of the spaceship that took Yuri Gagarin around the Earth) and Buran (the Soviet shuttle)-Some other pavilions But also:-The Cosmos hotel built specially for Summer Olympic Games held in Moscow in 1980-The impressive "Conquerors of Space» monument and the Cosmonauts alley-The Worker and Kolkhoz woman monument — another symbol of the Soviet Union-The «House on feet» - an amusing result of architectural experiment for working-class people.

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